The values of a church drive the attitude and feel of how the mission and vision are carried out. The following are the core values in order of importance of Ross Christian Church.

  1.  Biblically Based - God's Word is the ultimate authority in everything we do.

  2.  Fully Devoted to Christ - We measure our success by our ability to make disciples for Jesus Christ.

  3. Cultivating Relationships - Just as God expresses relational love to people, we strive to help people grow in their ability to love and connect with one another.

  4. Forgiveness and Grace - We strive to be a place that offers forgiveness and grace.

  5. Authentic Relevance & Innovative - The Bible makes it clear that we are to find ways to effectively bring the message "into all the world" in order to make disciples. We will not limit ourselves to use only certain styles of music, or to present our message only through words.

  6. Mission Driven Ministry - We value staying focused on a specific mission and vision God has given us to reach people with the good news of salvation.

  7. God-honoring Service - In serving Christ, we are motivated by love and hope that every part of our service will reflect the honor and glory due to God who gave His very best for us.

  8. Financial Stewardship - We value faithful support of God's work through all of our resources including time, possessions, and money.